Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church

Reaching out with the good news

This is an age where we find we’re all doing more online. To that end, we’ve partnered with the Presbyterian Foundation to make online giving a convenient option for our church. Use it for your normal tithes or for one time gifts. Click here to set it up.

We realize that God’s Kingdom is much larger than just our congregation. In an effort to reach our community in the name of Christ, we have formalized an agreement with Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (ELCA) for joint ministry and mission in our community.

God loves us just as we are, and God loves us so much he refuses to leave us that way!  We are challenged and inspired by God’s word to grow spiritually in a warm, welcoming environment.  It is in worship, education, and mission that we live out our life together as the family of God […]

Jesus says the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.  At DMPC, we try to embody this commandment in all that we do, through worship, education, and outreach.

We believe that worship is central to our lives, and strive to worship in ways that are faithful, creative, and inspirational.  Our worship service is centered in God’s word, and contains elements of grand music, moments of silence, and other elements that help our hearts interact with the divine.

Located in the heart of downtown Elkins, West Virginia, Davis Memorial believes that God is active and moving in our small mountain town.  We are very active in and around Elkins sharing the hope and values of God’s Kingdom in city government, non-profits, educational systems and all aspects of our community.