Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church

Reaching out with the good news

Mission and Outreach

We believe that our faith is not just something that we say or do during worship, but rather incorporates our whole life as we live in response to God’s grace.  Essentially, we believe that the good news of Jesus Christ is missional in nature, meaning that when we reach out and serve others in the name of Jesus Christ, we believe that we live into the abundant life promised by Jesus.  We invite you to see the following links to see how our church it’s members reach out to the community and world.


 How You Can Serve Our Community

At DMPC, we believe that God is at work through various community organizations that are not necessarily tied to the church, and our members volunteer with organizations that do a great job in reaching out with love, compassion, and vision.  All across Elkins and Randolph County, there are organizations are working to ensure all of God’s children are fed, clothed, and growing.

Church Specific Programs:

– Great Day of Service Outreach to Elkins

– Holiday Food baskets for Families in Need

– Parents Night Out

– Heartly Able Helping Crew


Outside Ministries to which our members volunteer and help out include:

–          Meals on Wheels

–          Randolph County Homeless Shelter

–          Davis & Elkins College

–          Davis Memorial Hospital

–          Catholic Charities

–          Helping Hands

–          ON TRAC

–          Common Grounds Cafe

–          Salvation Army


How You Can Serve Our Church-Specific Committees/Teams


There are a number of ways to become involved in the life of our church.  Through various ministries like Presbyterian Women, Men of the Church, Youth Ministries, etc, the life of our church is lived out through the commitment of our members.  If you would like to get involved and volunteer with a particular ministry or committee, please let one of the pastors know, or be in touch with the specific ministry chair!




Spiritual Enrichment Committee


The Spiritual Enrichment Committee oversees the worshipping life, membership, and fellowship of our church


Property Committee


The Property Committee oversees the short and long term maintenance and planning for the church property, including the two manses (homes that the church owns and houses our pastors and their families)


Financial Resources Committee


The Financial Resources Committee oversees the finances of our congregation, and encourages visitors and members to understand that we don’t give to the church just to pay its bills, but rather because we believe God is using our talents, time, and treasures to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to the world around us.


Witness and Service Committee


The Witness Service Committee oversees outreach projects of the congregation, such as Holiday Food Baskets, Great Day of Service, Parents Night Out, Pastors Discretionary Fund, as well as overseeing the PR committee and the After School Program.


Christian Education Committee


This fun, and lively committee looks to ensure that our parishioners have the opportunity to recieve quality and faithful Christian Education.  From Sunday School, VBS, camps and conferences, lenten studies, the Christian Education committee is a great way to be involved in the life of the church.


Human Resources Committee


This committee works with our pastors to work with personnel matters of our paid staff.

Presbyterian Women


Men of the Church


Chi-Rho Youth Group


After-School Program




How We Reach Out To Our Nation and Our World:

DMPC is committed to reaching out to the world in which we live.  We send thousands of dollars annually to the PCUSA where our dollars are spent doing mission around the globe.

Many of our members are engaged in International mission all around the world.  Our church has supported missionaries to our sister church in Kenya.  Some of us have travelled to other sites in Kenya, while others have been to Haiti, Scotland, Bahamas, etc.

In the Spring of 2012, our congregation will be sponsoring a Great Day of Service, where we invite any who who want to reach out with helping hands into our local community.  Projects will include working on homes of those who are not able to care for their homes because of age, income, or disability

Our youth group has travelled to Western Pennsylvania to do work in the Pittsburgh area, reaching out with helping hands as God works in our own hearts – showing us how God is already at work in the world around us.

DMPC has also sponsored missions to Kenya and Nicaragua nurturing the relationship of God’s people in these areas.



How We Reach Out to College Students

DMPC strives to nurture the special relationship we have with Davis and Elkins College.  Rev. Kevin Starcher, serves as chaplain at D&E.  Aside from that direct connection to Davis and Elkins College, our congregation is compromised of many staff, faculty, and students from D&E.

On Campus, the Chaplain leads a weekly worship service, as well as serve as religious mentor to students.

There are many families at DMPC who also serve as host families for students at D&E.  Providing a “home” away from DMPC, host families provide support, beds, and a safe place to encouraged in their journey at D&E.   If you are interested in serving as a host family, please contact Kevin Starcher.